About Us


New Life Word Center is a family oriented, Bible-based, Christ-centered ministry where the love of God abounds. Our ministry places emphasis on teaching the infallible Word of God. We believe in prosperity for the total man – spirit, soul and body.


New Life Word Center is to save families one man at a time. The Member Services team is a supportive force to accomplish that vision. In efforts to edify a rapidly growing local body, this team is dedicated to helping Dr. Ronald W. Merthie, founder and Pastor of New Life Word Center, and First Lady Patricia A. Merthie address the needs (spirit, soul and body) of New Life Word Center members.


New Life Word Center is a ministry of excellence that ministers healing, deliverance, prosperity and salvation with the Love of God through every available means


Foundational Scriptures: Matthew 13:31-32 & Malachi 4:5-6

Ephesians 5:23
•Saving, healing, delivering, and developing men
•Teaching men how to find a wife
•Teachching men to love their wives and children
•Teaching Mean to Lead their families
•Teaching men to be an example to their children
•Teaching men to Honor thier Man of God and help carry out the Corporate Vision of their Church
•Helping men discover their gifts, talents, adn vision for thier lives and families
•Teaching men to serve humanity
•Building families from the foundation of husbands & fathers
•Developing 12 men that will develop 12 more men, etc

Titus 2:3-5 & Genesis 2:18
•Saving and developing women to know who they are in Christ
•Teaching women how to recieve a husband
•Teaching women to love their husbands
•Helping women discover their gifts and talents to help their husband fulfill the vision for their family
•Helping women to experience passion in life
•Teaching women and wives to honor the Man of God & help cary out the Corporate Vision of their church

Ephesians 6:1-2
•Teaching boys and girls to have a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ
•Teaching boys and girls to honor their parents
•Helping boys and girls to develop their God-given gifts and talents
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